iPhone app
Features: in-app postbox, synchronised audio, night mode
Production credits: Fourth Estate and Enhanced Editions
Launch date: 6 May 2010
Burley Cross Postbox Theft by Nicola Barker (Fourth Estate) is the story of 26 stolen letters. The free iPhone sampler app, from Fourth Estate and Enhanced Editions, contains the first of the missing letters from the book, as text and synchronised audio.
Having downloaded the app onto iPhone, the reader subsequently receives three new letters delivered to the in-app post-box, accessible from the table of contents. By simply pressing the post-box button a notification icon appears to read the new letter.
The Burley Cross Postbox Theft app also features audio-book recordings of the letters delivered via a podcast throughout the week. Links to these recordings are provided when the reader receives their letters in the in-app post box.
As well as the free sampler, there is also a paid version of the app, priced at £9.99 which contains all 26 of the missing letters, synchronised with the audio.
You can read more about the project on the Fifth Estate blog here.