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Alight Here: The Tube Project

Features: See London through its tube stops, in poems and photos
Production credits: Siddharth Khajuria, Rosa Rankin-Gee, Elle Graham-Dixon
Launch date: May 2010

Alight Here is a new project collating poems and images inspired by each of London’s 270 underground stations. Images can be photographs, drawings, paintings, collages. Poems can be haikus or epic.

Alight Here looks for people who can capture their tube station in words or in a single square of celluloid – and invites them to send in their contributions which can be linked to any London Underground station and its surrounding area. The idea is to capture each stop’s essence.

The most interesting submissions will be posted at throughout the year with the aim of publishing a book showcasing the winning 270 entries. By submitting poems and photos, contributors consent to publication on the Alight Here website and in the proposed book.

To contribute you can email your poem or image to [email protected] remembering to include the name of the tube station in the subject line and your own name in the email.

Alight Here is not affiliated in any way with Transport for London.

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