Faber Factory, the e-book publishing and distribution service run by Faber and Faber, approached us to devise and run a full-day Consumer Engagement workshop for twelve of their client publishers including Constable and Robinson, John Blake, Atlantic Books and Allison & Busby.
In order to ensure that the attendees got the most out of the day we first surveyed them to ascertain their business needs, their existing skill sets and resources, and the areas they were keen to develop.
Armed with a better understanding of the publisher’s requirements we then created a tailored workshop which blended learning and practical exercises, taking care that each publisher left with a list of implementable actions that were relevant to their publishing programme and readership.
Sessions included: ‘principles of consumer engagement’, ‘developing a basic eCRM programme’, ‘email marketing and segmentation’, ‘harnessing the different strengths of social media platforms’, ‘analysis’. The Literary Platform team ran the workshop on the day and the positive and collaborative atmosphere we managed to create was appreciated by all.