The fourth annual New Media Writing Prize, run by Bournemouth University’s Media School, is now open for entries.
The competition encourages writers working with new media to showcase their skills. It also aims to provoke discussion and raise awareness of new media writing, the future of the ‘written’ word and storytelling.
The prize has three categories: Overall Winner, Best Student and the People’s Choice.
The prizes are:
The judging panel are looking for great storytelling (fiction or non-fiction) written specifically for delivery and reading/viewing on a PC or Mac, or a hand-held device such as an iPad or mobile phone. It could be a short story, novel, documentary or poem using words, images, film or animation with audience interaction.
Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply an enthusiast, anyone can apply. It’s an international competition, open to all outside the UK.
The deadline is Monday November 25th at 12 noon GMT. Closing date for students is Friday December 13th at 12 noon GMT. Each entry should be submitted by email to [email protected].
Shortlisted entrants will be invited to the awards ceremony on the 22nd January 2014 where the winner will be announced. There will be substantial media coverage for the Awards, and winners will be given full acknowledgement in all press releases and related material.
An esteemed panel of judges will select winning entries which will be published on high profile new media web-hub, The Literary Platform, the Bournemouth University website and will be showcased at the Awards Ceremony.
For full details on what we are looking for, and how to enter, please visit the New Media Writing Prize website.