Bobette Buster: Do Story, How to Tell Your Story So The World Listens
For those of you that missed Bobette Buster’s fabulous talk at our third FutureBook Innovation Workshop this May, not to worry! Bobette, a Hollywood-based story consultant working with Disney, Pixar and Twentieth Century Fox, will be speaking in London once again at Foyles this August. In this indispensable and compelling talk she reveals how storytelling devices and principles are used to great effect, with the aid of clips from seminal films such as ET, The Godfather, Toy Story II, Shawshank Redemption and Schindler’s List. Discover her 10 principles of storytelling, such as juxtaposition and the ‘gleaming detail’, and learn how they can be incorporated into your own storytelling—whether that’s developing a film script or literary work, putting together a pitch or writing your company’s ‘About’ page—to advance the narrative, create an emotional connection and ultimately make your story sing.
Friday 23 August, 6.30pm
Venue: The Gallery at Foyles
Tickets: £3.
Please book online at