CompletelyNovel is an online publication platform that allows writers to promote books, and publishers to see how the market receives them.
Readers can read online, build an online library, discuss and share reading habits and win free books.
CompletelyNovel also has thousands of books to read online – classic titles, recent releases or books from exciting new writers who are getting published through CompletelyNovel. Readers can buy the print versions of many books direct from the authors themselves and can share and track their reading habits by adding books that they have read, are reading or would like to read.
For Writers there is the chance to publish, market and sell books and build up publishing knowledge.
CompletelyNovel has devised a publishing process to make writers’ books available online at no cost. The site links directly to print-on-demand printers to provide writers with an effortless route to getting their titles into print.
After publishing a book, writers are offered an extensive set of online tools for marketing it.