For many, the Coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we perceive daily life. While giving us immeasurable grief, the global crisis also allowed us to look deeper within ourselves. It brought us closer to our interior world.
Although somewhat blurry, many of us drew boundaries, lines, a map around ourselves, which helped us move forward.
Drawing on these lines and boundaries, The Lit invites you to submit your responses to the themes of ‘lines’, to be published in The Lit Issue 4 (March 2022). We are looking for fiction (500-1500) and poetry (up to 40 lines). In this issue we want to delve further into the subject and medium of voice; so we also welcome audio submissions (.wav files).
A few examples are listed below, but feel free to surprise us!
- new world, old world
- my time is now
- home and away
- traveling in a pandemic
- looking at others, looking at oneself
- end of the line
Each participant can send one submission each, to [email protected]. The submission deadline is midnight Tuesday January 25. Payment is £50 for a single piece, on publication.
Take a look at previous issues to find out more about The Lit and the type of topics and angles that have been explored in the past.
We look forward to reading your submissions.