There are just two weeks left to book tickets for the forthcoming FutureBook conference on 5th December 2011. As well as a great conference program, FutureBook will also be announcing the winners of the FutureBook innovation awards on the evening.
Philip Jones, deputy editor of The Bookseller and co-founder of FutureBook, said the entries for this year’s innovation awards represented ‘a step-change over the past year’.
He said: “The shortlists confirm a view that the digital sector is growing up fast. The start-ups seems more assured; the digital campaigns broader; and the apps smarter (and better targeted).”
Confirmed speakers and panelists for the conference on 5th December include:
Stephen Page, CEO, Faber and Faber
George Walkley, Head of Digital, Hachette
Evan Schnittman, Managing Director Group Sales and Marketing, Print & Digital at Bloomsbury Publishing
Charlie Redmayne, CEO at Pottermore
Dominique Raccah, Publisher and CEO at Sourcebooks, Inc
Cameron Drew, Vendor Relations at Kobo Inc.
Jonny Geller, MD of books division and literary agent, Curtis Brown
Visit here for more information on how to book tickets for the FutureBook Conference 2011.