Publishing Now conference
By Danielle Noel
Over the past few years, the way we read and access literature has changed dramatically. The days of purchasing newly printed hardcover books and sitting in libraries for hours on end are slowly fading away. However, we can’t hold on to the past forever! In fact, the golden age of publishing is happening right now. We’re living it as we speak. Never has there been such an interesting and exciting time in the publishing industry. So much is changing so fast, and ultimately for the better.
With developments in technology, such as the eBook, the way in which we read literature is shifting and becoming more accessible to everyone. It’s no secret that our lifestyles are becoming more hectic and demanding, leaving us little time for the simple pleasures of life, such as reading a good book. Not to mention, readers nowadays are much less likely to go into the corner bookshop and pay full price for a novel they may read only once. With web and bargain retailers massively discounting books, publishers have to find a way to keep up and meet the public’s needs while still keeping them engaged.
We are a generation of very visual learners, who may find an increasing interest in using apps and enhanced e-readers. Authors and publishers must see this as an opportunity to develop their work in different ways, to challenge themselves, and meet the consumer’s demands. There are so many exciting opportunities in the world of publishing right now, so many ways to enhance the ways of reading!
Our Publishing MA programme at City University London has had to adapt its curriculum quickly in order to accommodate the rapidly changing industry. As aspiring publishers, we must have a firm understanding on what the current demands of the consumer are, and how to best tailor our learning needs to meet the new technological requirements of publishing houses. In our courses, we are being taught how to use various digital software such as InDesign, Photoshop, and HTML coding. We are encouraged to get involved in social media like Facebook, Twitter, and blog about our expectations and concerns about publishing, all as a way of networking with industry professionals. We’re learning how eBook rights are acquired and sold, as this is now a necessary step in the publishing process.
If you’d like to learn more about how the publishing industry is changing, you need to check out our conference, Publishing Now: The Golden Age of Innovation! Hosted by City University London with the support of Book Machine, the Publishing Now conference looks at the theme of innovation in the industry as something that is happening right now, not just as a futuristic concept.
The conference is split over the course of two days, and your purchase of one ticket gains you access to both. On Friday, come drop by the student local The Boadicea for a few drinks, chat with industry professionals and other publishing enthusiasts, and listen to some spirited debate on subjects concerning how innovation is changing the way we read. Saturday’s event, held on City University’s campus, will host a number of speakers engaging in formal discussions with panelled Q&A. Speakers will range from authors, designers, and web developers, to name a few. Participation is encouraged following the lectures, making this an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded people!
With the conference only a few weeks away, make sure to grab your tickets soon! We look forward to seeing you there!