On Tuesday 13 September, Daniel Sinker will be taking over the Twitter feed of the Huffington Post, @HuffPostBooks.
During the 2011 mayoral election in Chicago, an anonymous Twitter account spoofing candidate Rahm Emanuel, under the Twitter name @MayorEmanuel, became a cult comedy and literary phenomenon. “It began as a foul-mouthed response to events involving the real-life Emanuel; however the narrative shifted suddenly during the campaign into a bizarre tale of hallucinations, parallel universes and a duck named Quaxelrod”, says the Hufffington Post.
Wired described it as “the first truly great piece of literature to be produced using [Twitter].”
From tomorrow Sinker will be tweeting an exclusive story set in the future, about the end of ebooks, relying on the public to tweet back, and interact with the narrative.
You can read more here about his take on Twitter as a literary medium, how his tweets read when published as a book, and a sneak preview of the sci-fi story he’ll be tweeting exclusively for The Huffington Post.