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When ex-Pixar animators make a book

For a long time now the book publishing industry has been considering its new competitors in the digital age – other industries such as the music, games and film industries. So it’s with interest to see what happens when ex-Pixar animators start considering the book experience on iPad.

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by Moonbot Studios, is a project which has been led by ex-Pixar animator William Joyce. The award-winning short film is now available as an interactive narrative experience and blurs the line between picture books and animated film.

Inspired, in equal measures, by Hurricane Katrina, Buster Keaton, The Wizard of Oz, and a love for books, “Morris Lessmore” is a story of people who devote their lives to books and books who return the favor. Morris Lessmore is a poignant, humorous allegory about the curative powers of story.

The award winning author and illustrator William Joyce and Co-director Brandon Oldenburg have used a variety of techniques (miniatures, computer animation, 2D animation) to create a new narrative experience that harks back to silent films and M-G-M Technicolor musicals – trying to create a style that feals old fashioned and cutting edge at the same time. The overall effect is part film, part-book – all beautifully woven.

Moonbot Studios LA

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