Something Every Day is a website created by poet Max Wallis. It is devoted to changing the way in which people interact with art, specifically poetry and prose, on a daily basis. In a world of Facebook notifications, deliveries to your living room and all manner of other immediate gratifications he has found a market of people who are looking for an immediate supply of poetry or prose.
“Some claim that art is something to be dwelled upon – that it has to be thought, studied, discussed – and that it does not easily fit into our modern habits.” says Max. But every day he re-engages people with writing by uploading new poetry (or occasionally, prose) to his site, sometimes uploading more than one. Since starting the project he has had over 25,000 pageloads and has a regular following of 1,300 people on tumblr.
Works ranges from poetry about texting, to the grief you feel when a friend dies, to a poem that makes use of all of the UK flavours of Ben & Jerry ice-cream.
Since starting the project Max has performed around Manchester, a regular on the open mics and performed his first Guest Poet slot on 4th June 2010. Queer Vegan Poet Dominic Berry has said that Max Wallis is one to look out for.
In the second phase of the Something Every Day project, Wallis seeks to make Something Every Day more of a community, with guest poets, artists and an increased number of collaborations.