In Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel brings the opulent, brutal world of the Tudors to bloody, glittering life. Wolf Hall is the backdrop to the rise and rise of Thomas Cromwell: lowborn boy, charmer, bully, master of deadly intrigue, and, finally, the most powerful of Henry VIII’s courtiers.
The app contains the full text of Wolf Hall plus a number of multimedia extras and exclusives:
• A 30-minute video discussion between Hilary Mantel and renowned historian David Starkey, filmed at the Tower of London
• A cast of characters and Tudor family trees
• An essay by Hilary on the challenges of writing historical fiction
• A regularly updated news feed containing further videos, podcasts and extras
As well as a paid app at £6.99 there is a free app which contains chapter one of Wolf Hall, the news feed, and a short clip from the video discussion.