<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vmdot.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
(set: $v to (text-style:"bold"))
(set: $up to (text-style:"bold","strike","mirror"))
<div class="help">
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")+(t8n:"flicker")[$v[DID WE REALLY WALK OUTSIDE THE AREA?]]
(live: 1.5s)[
(live: 3s)[(goto: "2")]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:white)+(bg:black))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vm1.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(t8n:"blur")+(transition-time: 3s)[<h3>Virtual-Morphosis<h3/><h4>(Coming Out the Cocoon)<h4/>]](t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:4s)+(transition-time: 5s)[<p> I feel <span class="none">submerged</span>. Everything is muffled and <span class="wait">nothing reacts anymore</span>. I walk on electromagnetic waves, on <span class="vertical-text">silver threads</span>. The strong wind in the distance, oxidised. On the horizon, just behind the cliffs, a storm arises.<p/>](text-style:"none")[(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:9s)+(transition-time: 4s)[<p>While descending into the (bg:black)[dark]-web <span class="none">void</span>, emptiness suddenly became full; full of me, unknowing, ephemeral, I transform…<p/>]]
(text-colour:red)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:17s)[(t8n-depart:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)[[...]]]]]
(align:"==>")[(t8n:"fade-left")+(t8n-delay:13s)+(transition-time: 2s)[(text-size:0.5)+(text-style:"italic")[<p>Colourful laconic contents and polyphonic electronic melodies accompany the descent<p/>]]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white)) <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vm2.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<h3>Virtual-Morphosis<h3/><h4>(Coming Out the Cocoon)<h4/>][<p> I feel <span class="none">submerged</span>. Everything is muffled and <span class="wait">nothing reacts anymore</span>. I walk on electromagnetic waves, on <span class="vertical-text">silver threads</span>. The strong wind in the distance, oxidised. On the horizon, just behind the cliffs, a storm arises.<p/>][<p>While descending into the (bg:black)[dark]-web <span class="none">void</span>, emptiness suddenly became full; full of me, unknowing, ephemeral, I transform…<p/>]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXX=")[(text-style:"bold","strike","mirror")[<span class="not-allowed">DID WE REALLY WALK OUTSIDE THE AREA?</span>]]
(char-style: via (t8n-delay:pos*60)+(t8n:'dissolve'))[<p>Suddenly, I feel at home. I incarnate and turn into an internet villain, one of those harmless ones, who don’t even realise they are prey anymore.<p/><br><p>Faraway, in the background, I glimpse (t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-delay:9s)[(bg:black)[deep]] sunrises over the sea; setting underwater, the sun going out; afflicted by quiet torments, it softly fades. It falls from a deep folder to the desktop,<span class="alias"> joins the mouse cursor</span>, and in a floating ballet, subsides beneath the oppressor's eyes. <p/><p>At that point, I try taking a picture of the moon, but as usual, it only seems like a glowing (text-colour:blue)+(text-style:"fade-in-out")[“.”] on the endless blue.<p/>]
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:29s)+(transition-time: 2s)[(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.6)+(text-style:"italic")[Is another otherworldly disappointment waiting for us like an oasis in the desert?]]]
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:33s)+(transition-time: 5s)[<p>A bulk of columns, a virtual ruin, appears from afar; in a lucid meta-dream, I decide to get <span class="pointer">closer and closer to the</span><span class="none"> wreckage</span>. <span class="pointer">I realise I can't cause of a</span> digital bug; it <span class="none">disappears</span>.<p/>](mouseover-replace: "digital bug")[^&_?* #.~]
(t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:40s)+(transition-time: 2s)[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[Living a sort of mechanic dream, where cyber-knights fight against human rights,<br>]](t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:42s)+(transition-time: 2s)[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[I dunno where to find <span class="none">my own self</span> anymore;<br>]](t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:44s)+(transition-time: 2s)[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[whether I’m dead<br>]](t8n:"fade")+(t8n-delay:46s)+(transition-time: 2s)[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[or subtly alive.]]
(set: $msg1 to [<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!4v1718379815000!6m8!1m7!1sCAoSLEFGMVFpcE0yUmNFS3pxa1hYN3ZRS3pDMzJzVXdueHNWVVdmRkhHYk9rUXZM!2m2!1d-22.98947318601898!2d-43.19101575983652!3f230.65!4f-13.719999999999999!5f0.7820865974627469" width="480px" height="400px" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe>])
(t8n:"fade-down")+(t8n-delay:47s)+(transition-time: 3s)[I am on a synthetic holiday sitting on a Google Maps bench, (t8n:"fade-down")+(t8n-delay:45s)[(bg:black)[no]] awakening, everything seems sterile. Water no longer soaks me. I understand I am water-repellent.](mouseover:"Google Maps bench")[(dialog: $msg1)]
(t8n-delay:56s)+(t8n:"fade")+(transition-time: 2s)[I (bg:black)[never] looked in the mirror, (bg:black)[never] felt guilty. (bg:black)[Never] felt like a hologram.<br>](t8n-delay:59s)+(t8n:"fade")+(transition-time: 2s)[I stole soft packets of cigarettes. I pretended (bg:black)[not] to be myself, but only because I believed being a cybernetic anarchist meant feeling (bg:black)[free].<br>](t8n-delay:63s)+(t8n:"fade")+(transition-time: 2s)[Free (bg:black)[not] to owe anyone anything.<br>](t8n-delay:67s)+(t8n:"fade")+(transition-time: 2s)[It made me (bg:black)[feel] rich.]
(t8n-delay:71s)+(t8n:"flicker")+(transition-time: 2s)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXX=")[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[The vision of the future as promised, is evaporating. It becomes a <span class="not-allowed">corrupted file</span>.<br>(t8n:"flicker")+(transition-time: 2s)[Like oil from an exhausted fryer, it fades away, fuming black;]]]]
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:78s)+(transition-time: 4s)[(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.6)+(text-style:"italic")[while, that oceanic feel persuades me…]]]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:83s)[(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.6)+(text-style:"italic")+(text-colour:black)[(t8n-depart:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)[[Next Page >]]]]]
(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.5)+(text-style:"italic")[<p>Colourful laconic contents and polyphonic electronic melodies accompany the descent<p/>]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vm4.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
[(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXX=")[<h3>ERROR 404<h3/>-<h4>Page Not Found<h4/>]]
(char-style: via (t8n-delay:3.5s+pos*60)+(t8n:'dissolve'))[I find myself here, breathless and confused; lost. I compete, I fight. I fight like a rapper fights their invented enemy. An individual full of myself. Full of love for something extinct.(align:"==>")+(box:"=========XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=")[Love kills me.<br><br/>]The future is scary. A half-robotic bumblebee is trapped under my duvet. <span class="none">It's invisible</span>, but I know it is there. The sound of its wings intimidates me. I see it; it appears and<span class="none"> disappears</span> in the blink of an eye; fying, <span class="none">glitching</span>, then resting on my shoulder. Is it asking for help? I see it and <span class="none">don’t</span>, I hear it and <span class="none">no longer feel it</span>.<br>]
(t8n-delay:30s)+(t8n:'flicker')[I feel disoriented.](mouseover: "I feel disoriented.")[(goto: "405")]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:white)+(bg:black))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vm405.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
(t8n-delay:0.5s)+(t8n:'instant')[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")+(align:"==>")+(box:"=========XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==")[And what do I do?]](t8n-delay:2s)+(t8n:'instant')[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")+(align:"=><=")[Do I sleep under a silver carpet?]](t8n-delay:3.5s)+(t8n:'instant')[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")+(align:"==>")+(box:"=========XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==")[A chrome duvet of metallic feathers?]]
(text-colour:white)[(char-style: via (t8n-delay:5s+pos*60)+(t8n:'fade-down'))[Layer upon layer, I get heavier, no longer feel myself, and cry tears of frozen glass. That tear, <span class="pointer">passing from iris to skin</span>, almost fearful, dries up. It’s deceptive. It cuts me.]]
(text-colour:white)[(t8n-delay:16s)+(t8n:'blur')[(align:"==>")+(box:"=========XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==")[<p>So, as if to console myself, I start reading the news on the phone, and hypnotised by that oblong screen, insomnia comes back home to Daddy.<p/>]]]
(text-colour:white)[(t8n-delay:21s)+(t8n:'blur')[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")+(align:"=><=")[As always, at ease in the uneasiness, losing myself](text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")+(align:"=><=")[is suddenly sweet to me in this deep sea of fake news.]]]
(t8n-delay:25s)+(t8n:'flicker')[(text-colour:red)[(align:"=><=")[<h3>♡<h3/>]]](mouseover: "♡")[(after: time+1s)[(goto: "406")](replace:"♡")[:’(]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vm406.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
[(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXX=")[<h3>ERROR 404<h3/>(text-style:"italic")[<h4>Something Went Wrong<h4/>](text-style:"none")[-<h4>Page Not Found<h4/>]]]
(live: 4s)[(goto: "WWW")]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
(align:"<==")+(box:"==XXXXXXXXXXX=======")[(text-size:0.6)[(t8n-delay:3s)+(t8n:'fade-down')[2. June 7, 2023, New York. The city is covered in orange smoke from Canadian wildfires.]]]<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vmheaven.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
<video autoplay muted loop id="background-video">
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/07/heavenbg.mp4" type="video/mp4">
(text-style:"italic","smear")[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[Is this what heaven looks like?]]
(live:3.5s)[(goto: "Avon")]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#F0A300))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vmnext2.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<h3>Virtual-Morphosis<h3/><h4>(Coming Out the Cocoon)<h4/>][<p> I feel submerged. Everything is muffled and nothing reacts anymore. I walk on electromagnetic waves, on silver threads. The strong wind in the distance, oxidised. On the horizon, just behind the cliffs, a storm arises.<p/>][<p>While descending into the (bg:black)[dark]-web void, emptiness suddenly became full; full of me, unknowing, ephemeral, I transform…<p/>]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXX=")[(text-style:"bold","strike","mirror")[DID WE REALLY WALK OUTSIDE THE AREA?]]
[<p>Suddenly, I feel at home. I incarnate and turn into an internet villain, one of those harmless ones, who don’t even realise they are prey anymore.<p/><br><p>Faraway, in the background, I glimpse [(bg:black)[deep]] sunrises over the sea; setting underwater, the sun going out; afflicted by quiet torments, it softly fades. It falls from a deep folder to the desktop, joins the mouse cursor, and in a floating ballet, subsides beneath the oppressor's eyes. <p/><p>At that point, I try taking a picture of the moon, but as usual, it only seems like a glowing (text-colour:blue)+(text-style:"fade-in-out")[“.”] on the endless blue.<p/>]
[(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.6)+(text-style:"italic")[Is another otherworldly disappointment waiting for us like an oasis in the desert?]]]
[<p>A bulk of columns, a virtual ruin, appears from afar; in a lucid meta-dream, I decide to get closer and closer to the wreckage. I realise I can't cause of a digital bug; it disappears.<p/>](mouseover-replace: "digital bug")[^&_?* #.~]
[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[Living a sort of mechanic dream, where cyber-knights fight against human rights,<br>]][(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[I dunno where to find my own self anymore;<br>]][(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[whether I’m dead<br>]][(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[or subtly alive.]]
[I am on a synthetic holiday sitting on a <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/@-22.9894732,-43.1910158,3a,75y,230.65h,76.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipM2RcEKzqkXX7vQKzC32sUwnxsVUWfFHGbOkQvL!2e10!7i7680!8i3840?entry=ttu" target="_blank">Google Maps bench</a>, [(bg:black)[no]] awakening, everything seems sterile. Water no longer soaks me. I understand I am water-repellent.]
[I (bg:black)[never] looked in the mirror, (bg:black)[never] felt guilty. (bg:black)[Never] felt like a hologram.<br>][I stole soft packets of cigarettes. I pretended (bg:black)[not] to be myself, but only because I believed being a cybernetic anarchist meant feeling (bg:black)[free].<br>][Free (bg:black)[not] to owe anyone anything.<br>][It made me (bg:black)[feel] rich.]
[(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXX=")[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[The vision of the future as promised, is evaporating. It becomes a corrupted file.<br>[Like oil from an exhausted fryer, it fades away, fuming black;]]]]
[(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.6)+(text-style:"italic")[while, that oceanic feel persuades me…]]]
(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.5)+(text-style:"italic")[<p>Colourful laconic contents and polyphonic electronic melodies accompany the descent<p/>]]
(live: 0.1s)[
(replace: "a","A")[4]
(replace: "b","B")[&]
(replace: "c","C")[?]
(replace: "d","D")[@]
(replace: "e","E")[$]
(replace: "f","F")[_]
(replace: "g","G")[_]
(replace: "h","H")[_]
(replace: "i","I")[!]
(replace: "Y","y")[♡]
(replace: "m","M")[在]
(replace: "n","N")[哪]
(replace: "o","O")[裡]
(live: 1s)[(goto: "Next Page 3")]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:white)+(bg:black))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vmnext3.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<h3>Virtual-Morphosis<h3/><h4>(Coming Out the Cocoon)<h4/>][<p> I feel submerged. Everything is muffled and nothing reacts anymore. I walk on electromagnetic waves, on silver threads. The strong wind in the distance, oxidised. On the horizon, just behind the cliffs, a storm arises.<p/>][<p>While descending into the (bg:black)[dark]-web void, emptiness suddenly became full; full of me, unknowing, ephemeral, I transform…<p/>]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXX=")[(text-style:"bold","strike","mirror")[DID WE REALLY WALK OUTSIDE THE AREA?]]
[<p>Suddenly, I feel at home. I incarnate and turn into an internet villain, one of those harmless ones, who don’t even realise they are prey anymore.<p/><br><p>Faraway, in the background, I glimpse [(bg:black)[deep]] sunrises over the sea; setting underwater, the sun going out; afflicted by quiet torments, it softly fades. It falls from a deep folder to the desktop, joins the mouse cursor, and in a floating ballet, subsides beneath the oppressor's eyes. <p/><p>At that point, I try taking a picture of the moon, but as usual, it only seems like a glowing (text-colour:blue)+(text-style:"fade-in-out")[“.”] on the endless blue.<p/>]
[(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.6)+(text-style:"italic")[Is another otherworldly disappointment waiting for us like an oasis in the desert?]]]
[<p>A bulk of columns, a virtual ruin, appears from afar; in a lucid meta-dream, I decide to get closer and closer to the wreckage. I realise I can't cause of a digital bug; it disappears.<p/>](mouseover-replace: "digital bug")[^&_?* #.~]
[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[Living a sort of mechanic dream, where cyber-knights fight against human rights,<br>]][(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[I dunno where to find my own self anymore;<br>]][(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[whether I’m dead<br>]][(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[or subtly alive.]]
[I am on a synthetic holiday sitting on a <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/@-22.9894732,-43.1910158,3a,75y,230.65h,76.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipM2RcEKzqkXX7vQKzC32sUwnxsVUWfFHGbOkQvL!2e10!7i7680!8i3840?entry=ttu" target="_blank">Google Maps bench</a>, [(bg:black)[no]] awakening, everything seems sterile. Water no longer soaks me. I understand I am water-repellent.]
[I (bg:black)[never] looked in the mirror, (bg:black)[never] felt guilty. (bg:black)[Never] felt like a hologram.<br>][I stole soft packets of cigarettes. I pretended (bg:black)[not] to be myself, but only because I believed being a cybernetic anarchist meant feeling (bg:black)[free].<br>][Free (bg:black)[not] to owe anyone anything.<br>][It made me (bg:black)[feel] rich.]
[(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXX=")[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[The vision of the future as promised, is evaporating. It becomes a corrupted file.<br>[Like oil from an exhausted fryer, it fades away, fuming black;]]]]
[(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.6)+(text-style:"italic")[while, that oceanic feel persuades me…]]]
(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.5)+(text-style:"italic")[<p>Colourful laconic contents and polyphonic electronic melodies accompany the descent<p/>]]
(replace: "a","A")[4]
(replace: "b","B")[&]
(replace: "c","C")[?]
(replace: "d","D")[@]
(replace: "e","E")[$]
(replace: "f","F")[_]
(replace: "g","G")[_]
(replace: "h","H")[_]
(replace: "i","I")[!]
(replace: "Y","y")[♡]
(replace: "m","M")[在]
(replace: "n","N")[哪]
(replace: "o","O")[裡]
(live: 1s)[(goto: "404")]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vmnext1.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<h3>Virtual-Morphosis<h3/><h4>(Coming Out the Cocoon)<h4/>][<p> I feel submerged. Everything is muffled and nothing reacts anymore. I walk on electromagnetic waves, on silver threads. The strong wind in the distance, oxidised. On the horizon, just behind the cliffs, a storm arises.<p/>][<p>While descending into the (bg:black)[dark]-web void, emptiness suddenly became full; full of me, unknowing, ephemeral, I transform…<p/>]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXX=")[(text-style:"bold","strike","mirror")[DID WE REALLY WALK OUTSIDE THE AREA?]]
[<p>Suddenly, I feel at home. I incarnate and turn into an internet villain, one of those harmless ones, who don’t even realise they are prey anymore.<p/><br><p>Faraway, in the background, I glimpse [(bg:black)[deep]] sunrises over the sea; setting underwater, the sun going out; afflicted by quiet torments, it softly fades. It falls from a deep folder to the desktop, joins the mouse cursor, and in a floating ballet, subsides beneath the oppressor's eyes. <p/><p>At that point, I try taking a picture of the moon, but as usual, it only seems like a glowing (text-colour:blue)+(text-style:"fade-in-out")[“.”] on the endless blue.<p/>]
[(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.6)+(text-style:"italic")[Is another otherworldly disappointment waiting for us like an oasis in the desert?]]]
[<p>A bulk of columns, a virtual ruin, appears from afar; in a lucid meta-dream, I decide to get closer and closer to the wreckage. I realise I can't cause of a digital bug; it disappears.<p/>](mouseover-replace: "digital bug")[^&_?* #.~]
[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[Living a sort of mechanic dream, where cyber-knights fight against human rights,<br>]][(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[I dunno where to find my own self anymore;<br>]][(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[whether I’m dead<br>]][(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[or subtly alive.]]
[I am on a synthetic holiday sitting on a <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/@-22.9894732,-43.1910158,3a,75y,230.65h,76.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipM2RcEKzqkXX7vQKzC32sUwnxsVUWfFHGbOkQvL!2e10!7i7680!8i3840?entry=ttu" target="_blank">Google Maps bench</a>, [(bg:black)[no]] awakening, everything seems sterile. Water no longer soaks me. I understand I am water-repellent.]
[I (bg:black)[never] looked in the mirror, (bg:black)[never] felt guilty. (bg:black)[Never] felt like a hologram.<br>][I stole soft packets of cigarettes. I pretended (bg:black)[not] to be myself, but only because I believed being a cybernetic anarchist meant feeling (bg:black)[free].<br>][Free (bg:black)[not] to owe anyone anything.<br>][It made me (bg:black)[feel] rich.]
[(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXX=")[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")[The vision of the future as promised, is evaporating. It becomes a corrupted file.<br>[Like oil from an exhausted fryer, it fades away, fuming black;]]]]
[(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.6)+(text-style:"italic")[while, that oceanic feel persuades me…]]]
(align:"==>")[(text-size:0.5)+(text-style:"italic")[<p>Colourful laconic contents and polyphonic electronic melodies accompany the descent<p/>]]
(live: 0.2s)[
(replace: "a","A")[4]
(replace: "b","B")[&]
(replace: "c","C")[?]
(replace: "d","D")[@]
(replace: "e","E")[$]
(replace: "f","F")[_]
(replace: "g","G")[我]
(replace: "h","H")[_]
(replace: "i","I")[!]
(replace: "j","J")[我]
(replace: "k","K")[的]
(replace: "l","l")[頭]
(replace: "p","P")[?]
(replace: "q","Q")[?]
(replace: "r","R")[的]
(replace: "Y","y")[♡]
(live: 1.2s)[(goto: "Next Page 2")]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vmwww.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(t8n:"blur")+(transition-time: 5s)[<h3>WWW - Garden of Eden<h3/>]]
(char-style: via (t8n-delay:3s+pos*60)+(t8n:'fade-down'))[<p>I glance about and suddenly feel confused. Everything is in its place. Perhaps it’s me who has changed. The things I used to believe are becoming<span class="help"> increasingly unreal.</span><p/><p>Everything blurs<p/>]
(mouseover: "blurs")[(t8n-depart:"fade-up")[(goto: "sky")]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:white))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
(text-size:0.6)[- Camus A. (1951) L’homme Révolté. Paris: Gallimard.
- García Márquez G. (1967) One Hundred Years of Solitude. Reprint. Cles: Oscar Mondadori, 1997.
- Phillipson H. (2016) From More Flinching. Poetry Foundation (Online). [Available from: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/89329/from-more-flinching].
- Einaudi L. (2013) In a Time Lapse. Spotify [streaming] [Available from: https://open.spotify.com/album/3uJ6D2WOPdjwJ0SrsH9EiG?si=Ws41yusURIiGo-5VIyhA4A].
- Calvino I. (1983) Racconti Fantastici dell’Ottocento. Reprint. Milan: Mondadori, 2015.
- Alighieri D. (1784) Inferno. Reprint. Milan: Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 1998.
- Crimethinc. Collective (2008) Expect Resistance: A crimethink field manual.
- Leopardi G. (1819) L’Infinito.
- Headache (2023) The Head Hurts but the Hearth Knows the Truth. Spotify (streaming) [Available from: https://open.spotify.com/album/3g16U5C8SE3xYybOaqF94x?si=NPkalY1iSYi6qQfOq7s5rw].
- Kandace S. W. (2021) Kandace Siobhan Walker: Notes on Dreaming as Praxis (Walking Backwards Into the Future). YouTube [video]. [Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIx9aDuoVr4].
- Visioni Parallele (2021) Archivio Contemporaneo. Rome: Visioni Parallele.
- Fieldnotes (2022) Lines of Flight.
- Maya B. Kronic & Amy Ireland (2023) Cute Accelerationism: An Anastrophic Passion [lecture to Fine Art and Philosophy students], UWE Frenchay Campus. 9 November.
- Bukowski C. (1969) The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills. Reprint. New York: Ecco, 1992.
- Haraway D. (1985) A Cyborg Manifesto.
- Battiato F. (1999) Fleurs. Spotify (Streaming) [Available from: https://open.spotify.com/album/6AUIAGxee5KOCQeiZSZDrg?si=JKeX0AN7T9mzZ-biQoLhYg]
- Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths (2022) Directed by Alejandro G. Iñárritu.
Mexico: Netflix. [Available from: https://www.netflix.com/search?q=bardo&jbv=81249430]
- Paoli G (1956) Il Cielo in una Stanza. Spotify (streaming). [Available from: https://open.spotify.com/track/37C6DyoMu75ViTiwqxV4bY?si=c00495a4eaa04d5f]]
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<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vmw2.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
(align:"<==")+(box:"X")[(t8n:"fade-left")+(t8n-delay:43s)+(transition-time: 2s)[(text-size:0.5)+(text-style:"italic")[<p>Uncanny entities appear more lucid than ever.<p/>]]]
(t8n:"blur")+(transition-time: 4s)[<p>I wake up on a deserted island hologram, and I believe I am in KOG(text-style:"superscript")+(text-size:0.6)[3]. I understand dreaming is not a thing anymore. Yet, I feel observed, rated, and recorded. I can’t see or perceive any human presence. There is only a hyena at my back, but it doesn't approach me, doesn't consider me. It runs away. <p/>]
(align:"==>")[(t8n:"fade-left")+(t8n-delay:9s)+(transition-time: 2s)[By the waves, everything seems tidy and organised.]]
(t8n-delay:15s)+(t8n:'fade-down')+(transition-time:2s)[<p>Like the sun in a solar eclipse, I hide and reappear behind a palm tree in the form of a desktop. In the meantime, a solid body(text-style:"superscript")+(text-size:0.6)[4] implodes in the abyssal while searching for the wreckage.<p/>](t8n:"fade-down")+(t8n-delay:21s)+(transition-time: 2s)[(align:"==>")[<p>In the darkness of the sea, it sinks.<p/>]](char-style: via (t8n-delay:25s+pos*60)+(t8n:'blur'))[<p>While turning into a rusty, sharpened tweet, my motherboard becomes a cold abandoned furnace. It becomes a ruin. There, the plaster is falling apart. Concrete and asbestos rarefy into the air, and plant shadows run. They merge and materialise into my problems. As a <span class="wait">sundial they circle. They melt</span>; as time passes, they mould to all my dilemmas. They rush me.<p/>]
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-delay:46s)+(transition-time: 2s)[(text-size:0.7)+(text-style:"italic")+(align:"==>")[How many more emails in spam folders, as messages in a bottle, should we find yet?]]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:50s)[I realise in all the horrid, dark, and corrupted folders, I have a memory. In a PC case, I feel at home. I belong to them. Kidnapped on a rainy day, all my passwords<span class="not-allowed"> abandoned </span>me. They take away my word in a flash.<br>]
(align:"=><=")[(text-size:0.7)[(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:57s)[(The sleep of reason produces cyborgs nowadays.)(text-style:"superscript")+(text-size:0.6)[5]]]]
(char-style: via (t8n-delay:61.5s+pos*60)+(t8n:'blur'))[Paradoxically, I may be growing up. I look in the mirror screen and understand I am alone in the net. Dream dealers are masked as deceptive ads. They try to trick me into new failures.](mouseover: "new failures")[(goto: "WWW3")]
(align:"==>")[(t8n:"fade-left")+(t8n-delay:11s)+(transition-time: 2s)[(text-size:0.5)+(text-style:"italic")[<p>Everything around me becomes rubberised, jellifies, and gently melts.<p/>]]]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<audio autoplay>
<source src="https://theliteraryplatform.com/content/uploads/2024/06/vmsky.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<h3>WWW - Garden of Eden<h3/>]
[<p>I glance about and suddenly feel confused. Everything is in its place. Perhaps it’s me who has changed. The things I used to believe are becoming<span class="help"> increasingly unreal.</span>.<p/><p>Everything blurs. (char-style: via (t8n-delay:4.5+pos*60)+(t8n:'fade-down'))[A pastel pink and orange haze(text-style:"superscript")+(text-size:0.6)[2] makes the sky more dreamlike. Pieces of gear are constantly banging from afar; they remind me of echoing Detroit techno. Polar ice caps rapidly melt, and the sea level increasingly rises. Oil spills on top.<p/>]]
(t8n:"dissolve")+(t8n-delay:13s)+(transition-time: 3s)[(align:"==>")[(text-style:"italic")[When did we stop falling in love with the future?]]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:16s)[(text-style:"bold","smear")+(text-colour:#ffc64d)[...]]](mouseover: "...")[(goto: "Heaven")]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
(align:"<==")+(box:"==XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX===")[(text-size:0.6)[(t8n-delay:4s)+(t8n:'fade-down')[<p>3. Kingdom of God.<p/>](t8n-delay:19s)+(t8n:'fade-down')[<p>4. June 18, 202. The Titan submersible operated by OceanGate imploded during an expedition to the Titanic.<p/>](t8n-delay:58s)+(t8n:'fade-down')[<p>5. Francisco Goya’s The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters; part of “Los Caprichos” series of etching.<p/>]]]<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
(t8n:"fade-left")[Ruminating, I dive into the chestnut brown Avon, and suddenly disappear.](mouseover: "disappear")[(goto: "WWW2")]
(enchant:?page,(text-colour:white))<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:1s)[(align:"==>")+(box:"===XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=")[But I suddenly realise I'm tired. Everything changes in the blink of an eye, and, in the end, I just want something quite far from what I see here.]]
[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4s)[(t8n-depart:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)[[Bibliography]]]]]
<div style="margin:auto;text-align:center;"><a href="https://theliteraryplatform.com/issues/issue-six/"><svg viewBox="0 0 10 40" width="50" height="50" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M0 31h10V0H0v31zm2.096-2.2h5.808V2.2H2.096v26.6zM0 39h2v-6H0zm4 0h2v-6H4zm4 0h2v-6H8z" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"></svg></a>
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-size:0.8)[<p>Sound on, and view on desktop for the best experience.<p/>][(text-size:0.8)[<p>Please beware that there'll be small amount of flashing lights.<p/>]]]
<a href="https://theliteraryplatform.com/issues/issue-six/" style="text-decoration:none;">(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-size:0.6)+(text-colour:grey)[Part of the Lit's Issue 6, //Glitch//]]